
Your expert for formwork and props.

Hünnebeck Topec shuttering with fired. alkus formwork shell

We offer a lot 246m² – used Hünnebeck Topec slab formwork with burnt. alkus all-plastic shell skin on.

Part number Article description Quantity
602668 TOPEC E board 180 x 90 124
602669 TOPEC E board 180 x 75 21
602670 TOPEC E board 180 x 60 11
602672 TOPEC E board 90 x 90 4
602671 TOPEC E board 180 x 45 3

If you are interested, please send us your inquiry.


We offer a lot 246m² – used Hünnebeck Topec slab formwork with burnt. alkus all-plastic shell skin on.

Part number Article description Quantity
602668 TOPEC E board 180 x 90 124
602669 TOPEC E board 180 x 75 21
602670 TOPEC E board 180 x 60 11
602672 TOPEC E board 90 x 90 4
602671 TOPEC E board 180 x 45 3

If you are interested, please send us your inquiry.


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